Day 12: Stuck – inktober 2021

Title: Two Seasons

Every day, I sit in front of this screen,

Fingers itching to write,

Desperate to fly across the keyboard

Like horses in the wind.

But my mind is stuck,

Slogging through a mire of emotions,

Constantly distracted

And unable to come up with words

To paint a picture

Of the wild world in my head.

There are seasons in my life where

Words flow like water,

An unending cascade,

So strong that that the current

Threatens to pull me under

If I fail to put word to page.

Yet, other seasons feel like drought,

Bone dry and cracked

Like unwatered earth.

No ideas want to form

And though I rage like a desert storm,

All I kick up is dust,

Unformed thoughts,

Images that can’t be put into words.

These days I am in the second season,

Stuck in this in-between,

With a desire to write and be heard,

Yet unable to form the stories

That live on in my mind.

I miss the season of stories

That just flowed

From the heart.

All I can do is hope

That I will get unstuck

In the days and months to come,

And until then,

I will be grateful for the days of plenty,

And find joy in the days of few.

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